Seattle demonstration quiet; police costs put at $1 million
A group of about 40 protesters left the building for an unplanned afternoon march but it was without major incident.
U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Seattle, spoke against the dangers of depleted uranium, a heavy metal used in armor-busting munitions and blamed for health and environmental problems. He was greeted by a small but vociferous group of pro-troops protesters, one who called him a “traitor” for his anti-war position.
Police during the day made three arrests: two for pedestrian interference, one for jaywalking.
Meanwhile, protesters continued to smart over what they perceived as heavy-handed police tactics during the weekend’s demonstrations, which resulted in more than 40 arrests. Representatives of several protest groups were scheduled to bring their concerns to the Neighborhoods, Arts and Civil Rights Committee later today.
Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske yesterday told the city council that his department had been warned of disruptions downtown. He said the cost of staffing protests against the U.S.-led war has cost his department $1 million.