Apartment amenities: sip, sip and purple

There's a new bar in my neighborhood, a swanky little martini lounge/bistro called The Apartment. Owners David Selig and David Leong would like you to feel right at home there.

Other than the fact that they both are located in Belltown, The Apartment bears absolutely no resemblance to My Apartment.

I only wish my apartment had soft purple — very fall 2004 — walls, a flat-screen TV, beautiful people milling about and signature cantaloupe-infused martinis.

And while the 960-square-foot space is intimate — capacity 60 — I'm pretty sure The Apartment is still bigger than mine.

"It's a neighborhood bistro. We wanted to find a name that fit the concept of coming to eat in somebody's upscale apartment," Selig says. "I describe it as having a European, trendy feel to it."

So I guess I'll just have to make The Apartment my second home. The food is definitely better. And since I don't have to cook it, everyone wins.

The Apartment, 2226 First Ave., is open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tuesday through Sunday, with happy hour from 5 to 7 p.m. and dinner until 10 p.m. (206-956-8288).

Pamela Sitt: 206-464-2376 or psitt@seattletimes.com