NCAA accuses Missouri's Quin Snyder of breaking many rules

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COLUMBIA, Mo. — Missouri men's basketball coach Quin Snyder is accused by the NCAA of recruiting violations and providing meals and gifts of clothing for his players, documents obtained by The Associated Press show.

Snyder, a former Mercer Island High basketball standout, is named in 17 allegations, dating between 1999 and last year, in the NCAA's formal notice of alleged rule violations.

The university last week released the list of allegations with names of school employees and students blacked out. But in response to an AP request under Missouri's open records law, the university provided a version yesterday naming the staffers. Student's names were still blacked out, with the school citing federal privacy law.

The NCAA accused Snyder of recruiting violations including calling, making personal contact with and providing meals for prospective players. It also alleged Snyder provided meals and gifts for his players.

"It is alleged ... that the head men's basketball coach failed at all times to maintain an environment of NCAA rules compliance among his basketball staff," the NCAA said.

Snyder and other athletic department staff had no comment yesterday, said department spokesman Sam Fleury.

The university is to formally respond to the allegations by July 1, and hearings by the NCAA's infractions committee are scheduled Aug. 13-15 in Seattle.

The university earlier justified blacking out the names by citing part of Missouri's Sunshine Law that allows some personnel matters to be kept private. But university attorney Marvin "Bunky" Wright wrote that the effort to protect staffers' privacy was "fruitless" because of media reports naming them anyway.

Some of the alleged violations have been reported previously. For example, Snyder has already acknowledged giving troubled ex-player Ricky Clemons two pairs of pants and a pair of flip-flops the coach received as promotional gifts. Such gifts are barred by NCAA rules.

The notice also says Snyder's wife, Helen, "with Snyder's approval," provided food to an athlete in their home on several occasions. It says Helen Snyder provided an athlete with a "belated Christmas gift" in February 2003, including a Nike book bag and a Nike winter coat.

The NCAA investigation grew out of the problems of Clemons, who has asserted in media interviews that he was paid by coaches, an allegation denied by Snyder.

The newly released documents clarify which of Snyder's staffers are accused of breaking rules. Assistant coach Lane Odom resigned last week, hours after the university released the written version of the allegations. Snyder's top assistant, Tony Harvey, was placed on paid leave pending the outcome of the NCAA proceedings.