Claudia Balducci - Bellevue Pos. 5

Age: 36
Residence: Lake Hills
Occupation: Labor negotiator
Education: B.A., Providence College; J.D., Columbia University
Community/political experience: Active in neighborhood improvement, served on committee to develop new design for Lake Hills Shopping Center; successful candidate for freeholder in charter election (supporting no change or limited change); volunteer attorney with legal-assistance organizations
Campaign Web site: none
1. How will you address your top three priorities for the position?
1. Managing growth to maintain the character of our neighborhoods. 2. Keeping commuters on the freeway and off our city streets. 3. Planning for the future to ensure jobs, economic vitality and affordable cost of living. We must work effectively both locally and regionally for solutions.
2. What would you bring to this position that sets you apart from other candidates?
Training and successful experience in bringing opposing points of view together to address issues and resolve conflicts; government and private-sector experience; labor-relations experience; legal training; neighborhood involvement.
3. In a time of strapped budgets, how could your city save money or generate more revenue?
Continue to implement efficiencies in administration, such as improved automation and integrated computer systems; continued careful budgeting and spending priorities to meet the greatest needs of the community.