Man killed after shooting at neighbors

YAKIMA — A man with a history of psychiatric problems opened fired on a neighbor family before one of them shot back and killed him, the Yakima County sheriff’s office said.

Robert Danjanic, 41, painted his face and dressed in camouflage clothing Monday before arming himself with three guns, ammunition, several knives, a set of brass knuckles and a hatchet.

Then he went outside and began shooting at Ryan Paullin, 23, who was mowing the lawn with his 2-year-old son playing nearby, said Lt. Stew Graham of the sheriff’s office.

When Paullin’s father, Steve, 50, came out of his house across the street, Danjanic fired one or two shots in Steve Paullin’s direction, the sheriff’s office said.

Danjanic also fired at a car being driven by Steve Paullin’s wife, Rosemarie, 52, who was hit with shotgun pellets in the arms, legs, face and back, the sheriff’s office said.

As Danjanic reloaded, Ryan Paullin ran scooped up his son and ran toward his mother. Danjanic began firing at them again, Graham said.

Steve Paullin got a hunting rifle and fired one shot from about 50 yards away that hit Danjanic in the abdomen, Graham said.

Danjanic was pronounced dead at Providence Yakima Medical Center.

Deputies do not plan to make any arrests, Graham said.

Rosemarie Paullin was treated for her injuries.

Sheriff’s detectives don’t know what caused Danjanic to open fire on his neighbors, but he had a history of psychiatric problems due to a head injury, the sheriff’s office said.

The Danjanics and the Paullins have had disputes over such grievances as barking dogs and loud music, but Graham said there was no evidence that those problems prompted the shooting in rural Yakima County.

Danjanic’s wife said he seemed fine when she left the house Monday morning.

In 2001, Danjanic locked himself in his house and threatened to set it on fire. Deputies eventually talked him into surrendering, Graham said.