Artists sketch out plans for co-op

Painter Greg Prince envisions Snohomish's art scene flourishing with the formation of collectives — co-ops where artists can promote and sell their work.

By day, Prince is a firefighter with Fire District 7; off duty, he paints large impressionist scenes that are displayed and sold at festivals and galleries.

Though he has brought his work to shows in Bellevue, Kirkland and Edmonds, Prince thinks an artists co-op — a business owned and operated by artists — is overdue in Snohomish.

"Snohomish is an artistic type of community with all these visual elements, but you walk down on First Street and there are no galleries," he said.

Local business owner Laurie Cole and artists Carol Noble and Michael Lomax also want to form a co-op, and after discussions with other Snohomish artists, the idea is catching on, the organizers said. The co-op could be assembled by early next year.

As a co-op, artists could show and sell their work in a gallerylike setting. Though designed to promote Snohomish artists, eventually the co-op could expand its membership to include artists from Bellingham to Tacoma, Lomax said.

Roughly 25 artists have expressed interest. Finding affordable and accessible gallery space has been challenging, however.

"The primary consideration is to make it affordable for the artists," Lomax said.

Though galleries often take more than half of an artist's sale, he said, the Snohomish co-op's goal would be for artists to pay a lot less than what it costs to mount most shows.

One option is an 800-square-foot space at Star Center Antique Mall near downtown Snohomish, Noble said. The space is modest, but with time and a commitment from more artists, the gallery could be expanded to include studios and classrooms, she said.

"If we don't start now, we may never," Noble said of the co-op effort. At one time, Snohomish had two galleries near the historic business district, but "they just disappeared," she said. "I think it's a very real need for this area."

Cole, who owns a framing shop and interacts with artists regularly, agreed.

"With all of the talent that is here, I think it's a shame that it's not on display," Cole said. "I think people would enjoy as they are strolling through antique stores coming up to a gallery and seeing some local art."

The co-op could open in mid- to late February, Lomax said. Though that's a couple of months away, about two dozen artists tested the waters with a show Thanksgiving weekend at the Waltz Building in Snohomish. The show coincided with the kickoff of the holiday shopping season and provided artists the exposure they hope to build upon with the co-op.

At the same time, some artists are talking about forming a local guild — more of a club instead of a business like the co-op.

Several Snohomish artists are members of the Monroe-based Sky Valley Artists' Guild, which includes mostly painters and sculptors from surrounding communities. The Snohomish guild could work in conjunction with the Sky Valley guild by alternating meetings between Snohomish and Monroe, Noble said.

The Sky Valley guild is a nonprofit, and although some of its members make money selling their work, the guild would not be affiliated with the co-op, Sky Valley President Gene Westover said.

Members of the co-op would pay dues to help cover rent and to promote events such as art walks and gallery openings.

"Kirkland, Seattle, Bellevue, Edmonds — they have these beautiful galleries, something (Snohomish) is sorely missing," Prince said. "I'm very excited that we are going to have something here."

Tina Potterf: 425-745-7809 or