William Shatner's Wife Dead In Pool -- Actor's Spouse, 40, Apparently Drowns

LOS ANGELES - The wife of actor William Shatner was found dead in the swimming pool of their home, an apparent drowning that authorities said they were treating as an accident. The distraught Shatner said she "meant everything to me."

Nerine Shatner, 40, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Shatner came home at 10:15 p.m. and found her at the bottom of the pool, said police Lt. Adam Bercovici.

"(Shatner) dialed 911 and dove into the pool to render aid to his wife," Bercovici said. Shatner then administered CPR.

Efforts by the Los Angeles Fire Department to revive her were unsuccessful.

Foul play was not involved, Bercovici said. "She was home alone for a short period of time and accidentally drowned while swimming in the family pool," he said.

"I arrived home and I found my wife at the bottom of the pool," Shatner said today outside his home. "My beautiful wife is dead. She meant everything to me. Her laughter, her tears and her joy will remain with me the rest of my life."

Shatner, 68, appeared composed as he began speaking, but grew emotional and went back indoors.

The couple were married in November 1997. It was Shatner's third marriage. His bride, then Nerine Kidd, was a former model.

According to People magazine, he vowed to her: "I pledge allegiance to you, Nerine, my queen." Referring to the ring he placed on her finger, he quipped, "When it is dark and there is trouble, you need but wave that bauble and there will be light."

Shatner played Capt. James T. Kirk on the "Star Trek" TV show.