Justice Won't Be `Intellectual Slave' -- Clarence Thomas Confronts Traitor Label

MEMPHIS - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas faced down some of his harshest critics yesterday, telling the nation's largest organization of black lawyers that he will not succumb to pressure to alter his conservative legal views even if it means being branded a traitor to his race.

In an address before the National Bar Association, the court's lone African-American justice said he will not succumb to pressure to "follow the prescription assigned to blacks" and that those who expect him to think a certain way simply because of his race are denying his "humanity" and want him to be "an intellectual slave."

Thomas' appearance marked the first time he has so squarely confronted his critics and demonstrated his continued resolve to take on his detractors even in the face of criticism that often takes on a scathing, personal tone.

In a powerful, emotional speech, Thomas appealed for greater tolerance of differing views among black Americans and said he felt deep pain at being the target of condemnation and rejection by members of his own race.

He said he had not come to defend his views, "but rather to assert my right to think for myself, to refuse to have my ideas assigned to me as if I were an intellectual slave because I'm black."

Thomas also angrily dismissed as "psycho-silliness" speculation by his critics who call his conservative views evidence of his self-hatred or a racial identity crisis.

"Having had to accept my blackness in a cauldron as a youth . . . I had few racial identity problems. I knew who I was and needed no gimmicks to affirm my identity. Nor, might I add, do I need anyone telling me who I am today. ...

"I am a man, a black man, an American."

The invitation of Thomas to address the group had generated heated controversy.

The invitation was extended by the outgoing chair of the association's Judicial Council, but when word of the choice spread, the council's executive committee voted to withdraw the invitation. Thomas, who has had invitations to give speeches taken back at least twice before, decided to come anyway.

"Isn't it time to move on?" he asked yesterday. "Isn't it time to realize that being angry with me solves no problems? Isn't it time to acknowledge that the problem of race has defied simple solutions . . . (and) to continue diligently to search for lasting solutions? I believe the time has come today."

Since President Bush appointed him to the Supreme Court seven years ago, Thomas has been vilified by many African Americans who dislike his conservative views, especially his opposition to affirmative action and other forms of racial preference that not only benefited Thomas but helped create a generation of black professionals.

The National Bar Association, in which Thomas was once active, voted narrowly not to support his confirmation to the Supreme Court in 1991. The NAACP had threatened to picket outside the Peabody Hotel during his speech, although those plans were canceled.

Tension was palpable among the 1,100 guests at the speech before Thomas was introduced.

Shelvin Hall, a Chicago judge who is incoming chair of the Judicial Council, drew loud applause when she said, "We're offended by anyone who would willfully destroy the gains made by Martin Luther King and Thurgood Marshall," the first black on the U.S. Supreme Court whose seat is now occupied by Thomas.

But D'Army Bailey, a Tennessee judge who supported inviting Thomas, reminded the assembly that Memphis was a divided city in the early days of the civil-rights movement, when the white leadership refused to engage in dialogue with blacks.

But now, he said, "Memphians have learned to listen to each other. I hope black Americans can learn to do the same."

Some NBA members had circulated handbills calling on guests to walk out when Thomas rose to speak, but no one did so.

Thomas has defended his views on affirmative action by saying it is racist and insulting to imply that some groups are inferior and need extra help.

After the speech, Faye Williams, a Memphis trial attorney for the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, once run by Thomas, agreed it was time for healing. "Many may not agree with his views, but the office of the Supreme Court deserves our respect," she said. "I might not have invited him, but I was glad of the opportunity to hear him and develop my own opinion."

John Braxton, a retired judge from Philadelphia, said he thought Thomas was "coming back to his own people and asking for understanding."

Thomas said as much in his speech.

"It pains me more deeply than any of you can imagine to be perceived by so many members of my race as doing them harm," he said. "All the sacrifice, all the long hours of preparation were to help, not to hurt."