`Herman.' `Strange Brew' Come To Comics Pages
Two new panels join The Times' comics pages today as part of our test in the coming weeks of six new comics in the daily Seattle Times.
"Herman," by Jim Unger, is a classic comic brought back through syndication. Unger has picked his favorites from more than 6,000 panels and personally reviewed and updated many panels. Although retired, Unger also will create new comic panels.
"Strange Brew" is by John Deering, chief editorial cartoonist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. We'll see if a strip based on twisted humor and a name like "Strange Brew" will appeal to readers in the coffee mecca of Seattle.
Dec. 15-20, we will be asking for your opinion of these two panel comics.
To make room for the new strips, "Tommy" and "Second Chances" have been put on hiatus.
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