Sexual Harassment -- Rock Group's Leader Set Good Example For Son At Concert
I was disappointed when I couldn't find a follow-up story of the Rage Against the Machine concert at the Gorge.
I took my underaged son and his friends to this show.
The presence of the police forces may have obstructed impending violence, but the only violence I saw was squelched by band front man, Zach de la Rocha.
He witnessed a woman's shirt being torn off as she was passed above the mosh pit. He stopped the concert and said (paraphrasing): "Women are living in fear everywhere. They shouldn't have to live in fear at a Rage Against the Machine concert. They are here to have fun. If I see a woman harassed like that again, I will stop the concert and leave."
I felt this message to young people was important, particularly in our state where crimes against women (date rape, domestic violence) are climbing drastically. I was impressed by his remarks. His views also made an impression on my son. I wish more young men had been allowed to go just to witness this from one of their idols.
Lisa Fields Clark