Gangs In Seattle -- Principal Should Approach Gangs With Zero Tolerance; Use Tax Resources To Remove Them

Editor, The Times:

Kudos to Arthur Santana for his well-researched story, "Gang stakes claim to school," (Local news, Sept. 5). It left me stunned to learn that the violent L.A. gang Mara Salvatrucha (known as MS) had claimed Viewlands Elementary School in north Greenwood as their turf, even to posting lookouts on the roof.

I spoke with Madeleine Kopp, a Los Angeles County deputy probation gang/law enforcement liaison officer. She said, "MS is one of our very most serious problem gangs." Kopp reiterated Los Angeles County gang unit Deputy Sheriff Wes McBride's assessment of the seriousness of the situation.

She added, "Unlike some gangs that have a multigenerational history in a specific geographical location, MS moves into an area and stakes out territory for their criminal activities and then defends it."

Kopp believed that MS is bad news for Seattle. She was very concerned that the type of strategy attributed to Viewlands Principal Cathy Profilet would not only be ineffective, but potentially unsafe.

Kopp explained, "Given the level of violence surrounding this gang, a policy of zero tolerance should be the goal, particularly for a school location. Understandably, it requires a dedication of resources and coordination between law-enforcement agencies and school administration."

Principal Profilet as quoted by The Times had said, "If I see some big kids out there playing on the basketball court, I'm going to go out there and say `Hi' and try to get to know them." Given Kopp's concern, with all due respect, I cannot feel reassured by the principal's light response.

Will the authorities pull the welcome mat out from under this violent gang? Doubtful, when you consider that a local federal prosecutor actively worked against Three Strikes You're Out and now co-chairs Initiative-676, the bureaucratic nightmare aimed at registering and confiscating firearms from ordinary citizens.

Instead, why don't the authorities aim our limited tax dollars and law-enforcement resources toward removing dangerous gangs such as MS?

Roberta Varney Seattle