Teen Dies After Getting Caught In Door Of Japanese Bullet Train

TOKYO - A teenager became the first person killed on Japan's high-speed bullet trains after he got caught in a car door.

Yusuke Kawarazaki, 17, died last night at Mishima station near Tokyo, the railroad company said today.

The train dragged Kawarazaki more than 100 yards along the platform before he fell on the tracks.

Kyodo News Service said Kawarazaki's coat got stuck in the door and that he suffered fatal head wounds.

Officials of Central Japan Railways said it was the first fatal accident involving the 130 mph bullet trains since service began in 1964.

In the only other train death, a man ran in front of a bullet train in 1992 and was killed in an apparent suicide.

Japanese train stations display posters warning riders not to attempt to board trains as the doors are closing.

But commuters in a hurry often ignore the warnings, sometimes shoving open nearly shut doors.

Similar fatal accidents have occurred on other Japanese trains.