Microsoft Suggests $209.95 Retail Price For Windows 95

REDMOND - Windows 95, Microsoft's new operating system, will be sold at a "suggested retail price" of $209.95 and an upgrade price of $109.95 when it hits store shelves in late August.

It's likely, though, that the package will be available in some stores for less than $200, or $100 for upgrades, since software commonly sells for less than the suggested price. Upgrades are available to customers who already own current versions of Windows.

Microsoft also said this week, at a workshop for software reviewers, that it will sell a "Microsoft Plus" pack for $49.99, providing Windows 95 enhancements such as tools for compressing data, backing up files and cleaning up disks.

In addition, "tune-up packs" will be available to Windows 95 buyers to provide occasional bug fixes and new features, a fact that some critics have said indicates the company is rushing to release Windows 95 before it's completely finished. By releasing the program in August, Microsoft will be able to capture customers during the critical holiday-buying season.

Microsoft would not say how often the tune-up packs will come out or what they will cost.