Don James' Resignation Generates Most Letters

The resignation of Don James, longtime University of Washington football coach, led the pack of letters submitted to The Times in August.

Ninety-nine letters were submitted to the general letters section and about 60 were sent to the sports department, which also published reactions to James' decision to quit and sanctions imposed on the Huskies by the Pacific 10 Conference.

President Clinton's budget and how Washington's congressional delegation voted on it sparked 66 letters, the second-highest total for the month.

KVI Radio talk-show host Mike Siegel and his on-air support of Initiatives 601 and 602, and a July 29 editorial on the Public Disclosure Commission's role in the matter, generated 43 letters, most in support of Siegel.

In fourth place were 37 letters on Seattle City Attorney Mark Sidran's proposals to clean up downtown, including a crackdown on panhandlers.

Other hot topics for August: Initiatives 601 and 602, 32 letters; education, particularly the Seattle School District, 25 letters; homosexuals in the military and other gay-rights issues, 23 letters; and gun control and crime, 18 letters.

The August letter total was 1,133, up from 964 in July and 1,110 in June.

A reminder to letter writers: Please provide your daytime telephone number so we can verify your letter. We won't divulge it to anyone else. Only letters that are verified are published.