Man With Cancer Dies On Mountain That He Loved

TIMBERLINE LODGE, Ore. - Marian Ott said she had not expected her husband to return from a trip to Mount Hood, so she was not surprised when his body was discovered by a skier over the weekend.

George William Ott, 76, apparently died of hypothermia, said Clackamas County sheriff's deputy David Kennell. The body was recovered by a Portland Mountain Rescue crew yesterday.

Marion Ott said her husband left home on Tuesday, and she last heard from him in a letter sent Wednesday. George Ott, who had been diagnosed as having terminal cancer, had chosen to make his last trip to the mountain alone, she said.

``He's always loved mountains. He always loved Mount Hood,'' said Marion Ott. ``We had wonderful times on Mount Hood.''

The Otts moved to Oregon from Los Angeles in 1969. Avid football fans, they were attracted to the Pacific Northwest by the beautiful setting shown during a game televised from Oregon State University, she said.

George Ott was a retired school teacher and free-lance writer whose work had appeared widely in military publications.

Ott last was seen about 10 a.m. Friday. He had not been reported missing.

Cold weather and sleet were reported over the weekend. Ott's body was discovered near the 6,500-foot level of the 11,235-foot
