Outdoors notes: Fishing for a Yellow Submarine

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To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' visit to Seattle in 1964, the Edgewater Inn on Pier 67, where the Fab Four stayed, is celebrating with a CAST for Kids fishing event on Saturday. The event is for kids 5-14. Cost is $5. Each child will receive a Yellow Submarine Fishing T-shirt and a Zebco rod and reel. More information: 425-251-3214 or www.castforkids.org

The Queen City Yacht Club is hosting a youth summer sailing and boating program starting June 28. Kids 8-17 are welcome to participate. Details: 206-709-2000 or www.queencity.org

The Ruffed Grouse Society's Washington State Chapter banquet is 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the College Club of Seattle, 505 Madison St. Cost is $55 per person and $85 per couple, and includes membership dues. Proceeds support habitat projects. Details: 206-667-8211 or 206-232-0603

The Puget Sound Anglers Eastside Chapter meets at 7 tonight at the Redmond VFW Hall, 4330 148th Ave. N.E. Guest speaker Keith Robbins will talk about fishing for salmon in Central Puget Sound. Details: 425-558-4803 or www.eastsidepsa.com

The Puget Sound Anglers Lake Washington Chapter meets at 7 tonight at the Mercer Island Fire Station, 3030 78th Ave. S.E. Guest speaker Clint Muns, president of the state board of PSA, will talk about fishing in South Puget Sound, with an update on recent legislative and regulatory developments. Details: 425-823-0704

The BikeSummer Fun-o-Matic Rollout is noon Saturday at Seward Park on Lake Washington in South Seattle, and includes car-free riding along Lake Washington, a sale of inexpensive helmets, games. Details: www.bikesummer.org/2004/calendar

Camping and energy-food vendors will be offering treats at the Bite of REI, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. June 19 at the Seattle REI store, 222 Yale Ave. Learn simple recipes, from how to prepare an appetizer of garlic fry bread to blueberry cheesecake for dessert. Details: 206-223-1944 or www.rei.com

The Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge in Olympia is hosting a free summer lecture series in July and August. The first lecture: July 7, Medicinal Mushrooms: Allies for People and Planet with mycologist author Paul Stamets. Details: 360-753-9467 or nisqually.fws.gov

The Olympic Region Clear Air Agency invites people to the Hike for Clean Air and a chance to win prizes. The hiking event runs through Aug. 30, and covers six counties: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific and Thurston. After a hike, log your trip (form available at www.orcaa.org). At the end of the season, the agency will tabulate miles and announce winners. Prizes will go to those who log the most miles, visit the most trails/areas, and spend the most days in the Olympics. Details: 360-586-1044 or www.orcaa.org

The Edmonds Laebugten Salmon Chapter meets at 7 p.m. June 23 at South Snohomish Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave. in Edmonds. Guest speaker Walt Thompson will discuss Lake Washington sockeye fishing. Details: 425-218-3186 or tomfhall@nwlink.com

Washington Trails Association is looking for volunteers to help repair the storm-damaged South Fork Skokomish Trail on the Olympic Peninsula near Shelton. The trail, which meanders through ancient forest and parallels the South Fork of the Skokomish River, suffered damage from flooding last fall. Work parties are set for June 20 and July 10. Details: 206-625-1367 or www.wta.org

The East Lake Washington Audubon Society is hosting a 4-mile walk June 19 to the Scatter Creek Wildlife Area. Meet before 6:30 a.m. at Newport Hills Park & Ride, Interstate 405 Exit 9. Cost is $5 per person. Details: 425-881-5422

The Cascade Bicycle Club is offering bicycle helmets for $10. Youths younger than 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Helmets will be for sale 10 a.m.-4 p.m. June 19, July 17, Aug. 21 and Sept. 18 at: Evans Pool, 7201 E. Green Lake Way North, 206-684-4961; Medgar Evers Pool, 500 23rd Ave., 206-684-4766; Meadowbrook Pool, 10515 35th Ave. N.E., 206-684-4989; Queen Anne Pool, 1920 First Ave. W., 206-386-4282; Rainier Beach Pool, 8825 Rainier Ave. S., 206-386-1944; and Southwest Pool, 2801 S.W. Thistle, 206-684-7440. On Aug. 21 and Sept. 18, helmets will be on sale at High Point Community Center, 6920 34th Avenue S.W., 206-684-7422.Mark Yuasa can be reached at 206-464-8780; e-mail: myuasa@seattletimes.com; fax: 206-464-3255; address: P.O. Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111