Dine Out for Life

More than 135 Seattle-area restaurants will participate in Thursday's Dine Out for Life, the Lifelong AIDS Alliance's 11th annual fund-raiser. Each will donate 30 percent of that day's proceeds to benefit Alliance services for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Last year, the event raised nearly $130,000.

A list of participating restaurants is online at www.lifelongaidsalliance.org, or call 206-323-3463(DINE).

Thursday also is the Pierce County AIDS Foundation's 10th annual Dine Out for Life, and 37 restaurants have signed up to donate 25 percent of the day's receipts. A list of participants is online at www.diningoutforlife.com, or call 253-383-2565.

Thurston County's Dine Out, sponsored by the Olympia-based United Community AIDS Network, also is Thursday, and 17 restaurants are signed up. They're listed online at www.ucan-wa.org, or call 360-352-2375.

This scoop's for you

More than two dozen area Baskin-Robbins stores will dish out free scoops of ice cream tomorrow from 6 to 10 p.m. For the fifth year, Baskin-Robbins is calling the giveaway Free Scoop Night. A list of participating stores is online at www.baskinrobbins.com (click on store locations), or call 800-859-5339.


The Seattle School District will hold a community meeting at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the former South Shore Middle School building in the 8800 block of Rainier Avenue South in the Rainier Beach community. Discussion will focus on long-term occupancy of the building, which now houses the alternative South Lake High School program. The meeting will be in the building's Commons.

Money to share

King County's HIV/AIDS Planning Council, established more than a decade ago to help determine how government money should be spent for local HIV/AIDS prevention and care, is deciding how to allocate $5.5 million next year.

To help with the process, a planning council committee has scheduled six meetings — May 6, 13 and 20; June 3 and 10, and July 1 — to solicit ideas. Each public meeting will be from noon to 4 p.m. at the Mount Baker Community Club, 2811 Mount Rainier Drive S. Information: 206-205-5511.

Here & Now is compiled by Seattle Times staff reporter Charles E. Brown and news assistant Suesan Whitney Henderson. To submit an item, e-mail herenow@seattletimes.com or call 206-464-2226.