News from around Snohomish County
Realtors, builders intervene in appeal of land-use policies
EVERETT — Associations representing Snohomish County builders and real-estate agents announced they are intervening in a state appeal of county land-use policies.
The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties and the Snohomish County-Camano Association of Realtors will take the county's side of the appeal, filed two weeks ago at the direction of Gov. Gary Locke.
Locke wrote in a letter to county officials that the new policies, which make it easier to add land to urban-growth areas around cities and allow sewer service for churches and schools, are arbitrary and could cause sprawl.
He said he had asked for the appeal to the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board because he worried other counties would follow Snohomish County's example.
The two pro-growth groups said they are intervening because the county should be able to create its own growth plan without the state's interference.
Board rules Snohomish County must reconsider 3 land decisions
EVERETT — The Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board ruled this week that Snohomish County must reconsider three decisions it made late last year about county land.
Maltby-area resident Corinne Hensley and watchdog environmental group 1000 Friends of Washington had appealed the decisions to the board, which decides land-use disputes involving the state Growth Management Act.
Under the ruling, the county cannot:
• allow a private landowner, MacAngus Ranches, to develop 216 acres of land previously protected as agricultural; or
• allow commercial development north of Stanwood on the west side of Interstate 5. It also must do more work to show why it decided to allow a developer to expand the urban-growth area around Arlington for a residential development.
The hearings board denied the group's appeals of a new growth policy and a Sultan school that the county approved last year.
New memorial tiles honor 8 victims of alcohol- or drug-related crashes
EVERETT — The Snohomish County DUI Task Force will unveil eight more tiles on the DUI Victims Memorial Wall at noon tomorrow at McCollum Park, 600 128th St. S.E., in the Mill Creek area.
Each tile honors a person killed in an alcohol- or drug-related crash. With the new tiles, the total on the wall is 86.
To apply for a memorial tile for a family member, contact Tracy McMillan at or 425-388-7229.
Go to humansrv/DUIvictimsmemorialwall.htm for an application. Everett City Council vote means Port redevelopment can proceed
EVERETT — The Port of Everett can move forward with development plans for a portion of the North Marina after the City Council's approval of a controversial rezone.
The $200 million North Marina redevelopment is to include condos, retail shops, public-access areas and a so-called craftsman district for marine businesses.
Plans are for about 500 condos with prices beginning near $240,000. Port officials say the project could bring close to 2,000 new jobs to the area and a $1 million increase in city tax revenue.
But studies on traffic, noise, environmental damage, water and sewage needs, and police and fire service will need to be done before construction can start. The process could take more than one year.
Residents living in the area have complained that increased noise and loss of water views would damage their quality of life. There also were concerns about how much green space will be part of the project's development.
Developers for the Port say they're setting aside about 7 acres for green space, which includes a small amphitheater and a milelong walkway.
The City Council last week approved the rezoning and changes to the city's shoreline plan with a 6-1 vote. Councilman Ron Gipson opposed the proposal, arguing that more time was needed to study the measure.
Everett Events Center combines toilet inspection with fund-raiser
EVERETT — An event directed at stopping domestic violence was a flushing success last week.
The Everett Events Center and Snohomish County Center for Battered Women combined in a final toilet inspection at the new arena last Thursday with a fund-raiser that generated $6,800.
Participants flushed all of the toilets and urinals in the events center simultaneously to test the facility's water pressure. The battered-women's nonprofit gathered volunteers to do the job by having each participant raise money.
Location changed to City Hall for Mill Creek's anniversary
MILL CREEK — City officials have changed the location for Sunday's 20th-anniversary celebration of Mill Creek's incorporation.
Originally scheduled for Mill Creek Sports Park, the event will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. at City Hall, 15728 Mill Creek Blvd., with official birthday cake-cutting at 2:30 p.m.
The event had been scheduled in conjunction with the dedication of Mill Creek Sports Park, but the park will not be ready by Sunday.
Events will include displays by organizations, information on city projects and music by the Jackson High School jazz band. Information: 425-745-1891.
Sauk-Suiattle Tribe gets grant to help fight poaching of fish
DARRINGTON — The Sauk-Suiattle Tribe has received a $1.1 million grant to help fight poaching.
The award was made through a Community Oriented Policing Services tribal-resources grant administered by the U.S. Department of Justice. The money will allow the tribe to add four new natural-resources officers to its enforcement staff and to buy vehicles and technological equipment.
The grant also will pay for three boats for enforcement officers, including a 27-foot craft similar to those used by the Coast Guard.
The added staff and equipment will be directed at reducing fish poaching on the Skagit River system, including the namesake Sauk and Suiattle rivers and the Stillaguamish River, said Jason Joseph, the tribe's chairman.
Community center in Marysville to offer shots for flu, pneumonia
MARYSVILLE — Flu shots will be offered at the Ken Baxter Senior/ Community Center, 514 Delta Ave., from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 9.
The fee will be $20 for a flu shot and $30 for a pneumonia shot. Billings can be made to Medicare or Secure Horizons, a Medicare managed-care plan.
Bookstore invites youth to free 'American Girls' celebration
MARYSVILLE — Girls 3 and older are invited to a free celebration at 11 a.m. Saturday at the BookWorks store, 1510 Third St.
The "American Girls" Harvest Celebration is being offered as a way for girls to learn about historic events involving young women.
The first "American Girls" celebration, in April, attracted about 30 girls, said Mary Burns of BookWorks, which is sponsoring the event.
No purchase is required, and there is no admission fee.
The event includes activities, giveaways and refreshments and is based on a series of stories featuring 9-year-old girls living at different times in America's past.
Information: 360-659-4997.
City Council calls for gazebo, master plan for area near park
ARLINGTON — The City Council has voted 6-1 in favor of a resolution calling for a gazebo in Legion Park, south of City Hall.
The resolution noted that merchants favor a gazebo but that a master plan for the area is needed.
The gazebo concept first was approved in February. The new motion calls for construction of a gazebo, but with the requirement that a master plan be developed first.
Police, fire departments moving to 800 MHz radio system
SNOHOMISH — Police and fire departments throughout Snohomish County are making an expensive switch from the existing VHF emergency radio-communications system to the 800 megahertz system.
The switch is necessary, said Snohomish city and police officials at last Wednesday's City Council meeting, because after next year, SNOPAC communications, which handles Snohomish's 911 calls, is switching to 800 MHz.
Because of SNOPAC's switch, neighboring Snohomish County agencies, which also use the VHF system, are having to switch. Agencies are faced with either purchasing new equipment or receiving delayed information from their counterparts at neighboring agencies.
Snohomish City Council members reluctantly approved the switch to 800 MHz, a move that will cost the city $53,000 a year for the next 15 years.
The City Council is expected to make a decision later in the year about approving a $180,000 councilmanic bond, which is a way of obtaining debt without going to the polls, to pay for 800 MHz-compatible equipment.
City Council OKs mailing of survey on park use
SNOHOMISH — The City Council last Wednesday approved a survey to be mailed to residents in the next few weeks.
The survey, which includes questions on what parks are used the most and residents' long-term hopes for community recreation, will help the council prioritize projects. Surveys are expected to be included with utility bills.
The last city survey was in 2000. Officials said the responses influenced their decisions to establish the new Everett Olsen Youth Center and the Snohomish Skate Park, and renovate several other parks.
Monroe School District to hold orientation for its volunteers
MONROE — Every time students see a family or community member at school, they get the message education is important, Monroe School District officials say.
Community members who are interested in helping in classrooms and school offices, serving as art, science or technology docents, or helping with after-school sports or homework clubs are invited to volunteer in the district.
Orientation classes on volunteering in Monroe schools will be from 10 to 11 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Oct. 15 at the district's administration building, 200 E. Fremont St.
More than 900 people volunteered in Monroe schools last year.
To register for orientation: 360-863-4230.
New transit center to debut in Lynnwood on Sunday
LYNNWOOD — The $33.6 million Lynnwood Transit Center will open Sunday just north of the current park-and-ride lot at 46th Avenue West and 202nd Street Southwest.
The new center will combine local- and express-bus bays, as well as add passenger amenities such as restrooms and a Community Transit store. Buses will run to Seattle more frequently — every 30 minutes from 5:23 a.m. to 7:23 p.m. weekdays.
Sound Transit also is adding 300 parking spaces to the existing 900. The Sound Transit project covers about 17 acres and includes environmental restoration of Scriber Creek
State auditor, national association laud Lynnwood's finance workers
LYNNWOOD — The city's administrative-services director, Mike Bailey, and the finance staff have been recognized for outstanding performance.
State Auditor Brian Sonntag commended the staff and city for state audits that showed no problems since 1994 and said that reflects "strong oversight of operations, good internal controls and accurate financial reporting."
Bailey also has been recognized by the Chicago-based Government Finance Officers Association for meeting "the highest principles of governmental budgeting."
Bailey, 48, has been the city finance officer since 1999.
Event to urge racial minorities to participate in government
LYNNWOOD — A one-day conference designed to encourage the involvement of racial minorities in government will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 4 at Edmonds Community College.
The conference, co-sponsored by the college and community leaders in Snohomish County, will feature speakers from different cultural backgrounds who have been advocates for their communities.
Topics will include an overview of the legislative process, how to talk to legislators and the power of the vote.
The event will be in Mountlake Terrace Room 128 at the college.
Information: gettinginvolvedin
Compiled by the Seattle Times Snohomish County bureau.
The city of Edmonds will host an open house on proposed changes to the city's comprehensive-plan map, which provides a guide for development, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Brackett Room on the third floor of Edmonds City Hall, 121 Fifth Ave. N. Public comment will be taken at a meeting at 7 p.m. at council chambers, 250 Fifth Ave. N. Go to to view the map.