Jim Ferrell
Age: 35
Residence: Federal Way
Occupation: King County deputy prosecutor
Education: B.A. in politics, University of Washington; J.D., Gonzaga University
Political history: Assistant to state Sen. Ray Schow (1994); state Senate caucus staff (1993); assistant to state Sen. Pete von Reichbauer (1993); White House intern (1992); alternate delegate to National Republican Convention (1996, 2000); 30th District Republican precinct committee officer (1992-present)
Endorsements: King County Police Officers Guild, Rental Housing Association, Association of Architects and Engineers
Campaign Web site: www.jimferrell.com
Campaign theme: I am running to bring effective leadership and a prosecutor's voice to Olympia. We have no active prosecutors in the Legislature. Changes need to be made to keep criminals accountable and keep the public safe. We need common-sense solutions to problems that face our state. I will bring a prosecutor's voice and effective leadership to Olympia.
General election questions
Do you favor an expansion of legalized gambling in Washington state? Please explain your position.
Yes. We need the added revenue. Furthermore, nontribal casinos deserve a level playing field to operate their business.
Do you favor changing state law to require background checks on all firearms purchased at gun shows? Please explain.
No. I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and would not support efforts to weaken it. As a prosecutor, I know that most crimes involving firearms are committed with stolen guns. This proposed law would not affect that.
If Referendum 51 - the statewide gas-tax increase - fails, would you support approving the package in Olympia? If not, what would you do to solve the state’s transportation problems? If yes, why?
Yes. This state is in desperate need of infrastructure investment. Over the past several decades, millions of people have moved into the state and we have not invested in corresponding fashion. King County is the engine of Washington's economy. Failure to address this issue now will result in stalling this engine.
Price controls on prescription drugs and an expansion of taxpayer-funded programs are two ways to help people pay for prescriptions. Which approach do you prefer? Why?
We need to make drugs more affordable. But we should not spend more public money to do so. Though I don't think price controls is our best option, it is the better choice between the two.
Primary election questions
Would you support a graduated state income tax, if accompanied by a cut in sales and/or property taxes? Why or why not?
No, I would never support a state income tax. The people of this state are overtaxed as it is. We need to guarantee the citizens of Washington state that the money they pay now is being used in the most efficient way possible.
Do you view the state’s ongoing budget problems as more of a spending problem or a revenue problem? Why?
I believe it is a spending problem. We have a $1.2 billion deficit and the decision was made to borrow tobacco money to cover that deficit for a short fix. That is not leadership.
Given the state’s budget problems, do you think the Legislature should consider repealing or amending measures guaranteeing teacher raises and hiring more teachers? Please explain your position.
No. We need to pay our teachers a fair and appropriate salary. Education is a top priority in this state. We need to give good teachers both the pay they deserve and the resources they need. Education is the foundation for our economy and future.