Top Local Emmy Goes To Komo-TV

KOMO-TV took the top spot for daily newscasts at the annual Northwest Regional Emmy Awards on Saturday. The recognition comes after a year in which KOMO made visible efforts to improve local news programming, drawing close to No. 1 KING-TV in the process.

KIRO-TV's Steve Raible won the individual achievement Emmy for news anchor.

Other winners included: Michael King of NorthWest Cable News for sports anchor; Jim Castillo of KCPQ-TV for weather anchor; and Chris Heinbaugh of KOMO for news reporting; David Gillin of KING won the Emmy in the non-news television category.

Emmys for program achievement included: Kim Riemland and Bill Strothman of KOMO for same-day news, "Somebody Got Shot Here"; Rick Price and Scott MacDonald of KIRO for same-day feature, "Beetle's Reunion"; Doug Tolmie, Don Ibabao and Bill Strothman of KOMO for news series reporting, "Dogtags"; and Eric Johnson, Alan Blaich and Darrin Tegman of KOMO for specialty reporting, "Eric's Little Heroes."

The "Stanford Memorial Special," by Robert Mak, Randy Eng and Mike Cate of KING, won the news special-reporting category.