2 Facts About The History Of Mount Rainier National Park

1. Size of Mount Rainier National Park: 378 square miles.

2. Age of Mount Rainier National Park: 100 years.

3. Mount Rainier's real age: 500,000 to 1 million years.

4. Mountain's height above sea level: 14,411 feet.

5. Number of miles from the summit to Tacoma City Hall: 54.

6. The year it was christened Mount Rainier: 1792.

7. Whom it's named after: Rear Admiral Peter Rainier, a friend of Capt. George Vancouver, the British naval officer who explored and charted the Northwest in the late 1700s.

8. Number of times Peter Rainier saw his namesake: zero.

9. Height of Vancouver's namesake, Mount Vancouver on the Alaska-Yukon border: 15,979 feet.

10. Number of quakes that have been recorded on Mount Rainier in the past two decades: 800.

11. Rank of Rainier among the most popular of Cascade volcanoes: first.

12. Rank of Rainier among the most active of Cascade volcanoes: second.

13. Most active Cascade volcano: Mount St. Helens.

14. Rank of Rainier among the nation's most dangerous volcanoes: first.

15. Estimated number of explosive eruptions from Mount Rainier in past 10,000 years: 11.

16. Number of people living on former volcanic mud flows from Rainier: 100,000-plus.

17. Odds that a person living in that area will have a home damaged by fire vs. another mud flow: even.

18. Frequency with which Puyallup can expect a volcanic mud flow to reach the city limits: once every 100 to 500 years.

19. Speed with which a volcanic mud flow from Rainier can reach the Puget Sound lowlands: 30 minutes to two hours.

20. Last time a gas station operated in the park: 1994.

21. The year Dr. William Tolmie, a Scottish physician at nearby Fort Nisqually, ventured into the park guided by five Native Americans: 1833.

22. First recorded attempt to climb Mount Rainier: Aug. 21, 1852.

23. Number of feet shy of the summit at which the party was forced to give up: 400.

24. First recorded successful climb of Mount Rainier: Aug. 17, 1870, by Hazard Stevens and Philemon Van Trump.

25. Age of James Longmire, who climbed to the summit in 1883: 63.

26. The year naturalist John Muir climbed Rainier: 1888.

27. What he said: "Of all the fire mountains which, like beacons, once blazed along the Pacific Coast, Mount Rainier is the noblest."

28. Rank of Rainier among the most glaciated mountains in the lower 48 states: first.

29. Number of people who try to climb Mount Rainier each year: 10,000.

30. Number who make it: 5,000.

31. The first woman who climbed the mountain: Fay Fuller, a teacher, in 1890.

32. Gender given by Indian tribes to Mount Rainier: male or female, depending on the tribe.

33. Number of North American peaks taller than Rainier: 32.

34. Tallest of them all: Mount McKinley (20,320 feet).

35. Two common names given to Rainier by Indian tribes: "Takhonia," "Tahoma," meaning "high mountain."

36. Number of names for Rainier cataloged by Bruce Barcott in "The Measure of a Mountain: Beauty and Terror on Mount Rainier": 47.

37. City that would most like to see Mount Rainier's name changed: Tacoma.

38. Number of people who visit Mount Rainier each year: 2 million.

39. Year in which the mountain was first encircled by a trail, the Wonderland Trail: 1916.

40. Length of the Wonderland Trail: 93 miles.

41. Number of maintained trail miles today: 240.

42. Spot on the trail that has the most mosquitoes and bugs: Mystic Lake.

43. Spot with the hungriest bugs: Stevens Canyon.

44. Number of named glaciers: 27.

45. Volume of permanent snow and ice on Mount Rainier: 1 cubic mile.

46. Number of years Seattle could drink and bathe from the water locked up in Rainier's snow and ice: 200.

47. Number of camp sites at the park: more than 500.

48. Park entrance fee in 1932: $1.

49. Park entrance fee today: $10 per car.

50. Cost of a private room with bath at the National Park Inn at Longmire in 1932: $4.

51. Cost of a private room with bath at the National Park Inn now: $101.56.

52. Year the park logged its 1 billionth visitor: 1962.

53. His nationality: Canadian.

54. The real reason he had come to the area: to see the Seattle World's Fair.

55. What he said: "I suppose this is my first and only one-in-a-billion shot. I rather think I would have preferred to have had it on an Irish Sweepstakes ticket."

56. Number of presidents to visit the mountain: three.

57. President who signed into law the creation of Mount Rainier National Park: William McKinley.

58. President who played the piano inside the National Park Inn: Harry Truman.

59. First president to visit Mount Rainier National Park: Theodore Roosevelt in 1910.

60. Number of meals President Harry Truman ate in the park when he visited in 1945: one, lunch.

61. Most decorated World War II soldier to visit Mount Rainier: Audie Murphy.

62. Most famous Spokane-born crooner to visit Mount Rainier: Bing Crosby.

63. Most famous "Peter Pan" actress to visit Mount Rainier: Mary Martin.

64. Year in which Helen Holmes became the third woman to reach the summit of Mount Rainier: 1894.

65. Her age: 15.

66. Most snowfall recorded in one winter at the mountain: 1,122 inches in 1971-72 at Paradise, a world record.

67. Likelihood that the record will be broken this year: good.

68. Minimum snowfall recorded at the mountain: 313 inches, in the winter of 1939-40 at Paradise.

69. Number of mammal species to be found in the park: 54.

70. Number of plant species: 787.

71. Number of plant species that are non-native: 107.

72. Age at which Jim Whittaker, 70, first climbed Rainier: 15.

73. Frequency with which Whittaker now climbs it: once a year.

74. Number of guide services authorized by the National Park Service to lead climbs to the summit last summer: five.

75. Elevation of the solar toilet on the mountain: at Camp Muir, 10,188 feet.

76. Average time to climb the mountain: two days.

77. Fastest climb documented to the summit, round trip: just over five hours.

78. Name of the climber: Chad Kellogg, a park ranger.

79. Oldest person to summit: Jack Borgenicht, 81, of Long Valley, N.J., from Aug. 28 to Aug. 30, 1992.

80. Youngest climber to summit: 7-year-old Laura Ann Johnson of Tacoma.

81. The number of times record-holder George Dunn of Fall City has summitted the mountain: 390.

82. Most climbers killed in a single accident on Mount Rainier: 11 in 1981.

83. Date of most recent major climbing accident on Mount Rainier: June 11, 1998.

84. Cost to climb Mount Rainier through a guided program: about $500 for a three-day program.

85. Date when the term "flying saucer" was coined at the mountain: June 24, 1947.

86. What pilot Kenneth Arnold saw to coin the term: flashing blue lights.

87. The biggest mammal ever seen near summit of the mountain: a 200-pound bear on Aug. 17, 1990.

88. Ingredients used to make the commemorative 200-pound Mount Rainier birthday cake to be unveiled today: 100 pounds of cake mix; 126 eggs; 120 pounds of icing.

89. Number of people it could feed: 1,200.

90. Number of books listed by Amazon.com with Mount Rainier in the title: 54.

91. Number of pages used by Bette Filley to fill "The Big Fact Book About Mount Rainier" (Dunamis House, $17.95 softcover, $26.95 hardback): 468.

92. Number of times "Mount Rainier" is mentioned in The Seattle Times since 1984, according to its database of electronically archived stories: 6,507.

93. Most questionable metaphor used by The Times to describe Rainier's cap of snow: yarmulke.

94. Population of Rainier, Thurston County: 1,560.

95. Number of businesses in the Seattle White Pages that begin with Rainier: 150.

96. Number of items with the name "Rainier" available at www.rei.com: 19.

97. Most expensive REI item with the name "Rainier": Marmot Rainier windstopper pants, $199.

98. Number of schools in the United States with "Rainier" in their name: eight.

99. Number places in the United States with "Rainier" in their name: 21.

100. Number of places called "Mount Rainier": one.

Compiled by Seattle Times staff reporters Eric Sorensen and Florangela Davila.

Sources: American Park Network; National Park Service; George Dunn; U.S. Geological Survey; U.S. Department of Interior; "Climbing Mount Rainier: The Essential Guide" by Alex Van Steen; "The Challenge of Rainier" by Dee Molenaar (1971, The Mountaineers); "The Big Fact Book About Mount Rainier: Fascinating Facts, Records, Lists, Topics, Characters & Stories" by Bette E. Filley (1996, Dunamis House); and "The Measure of a Mountain: Beauty and Terror on Mount Rainier" by Bruce Barcott (1997, Sasquatch Books).