Our Newest Food Mecca: Renton?!
Time was when the land mass south of Seattle was considered a black hole of restaurants. Critics would moan and roll their eyes skyward when editors demanded they give equal time to the vast hash-slinging wasteland.
But times are changing. It's now possible to live by more than white bread and meatballs alone.
One sure sign that gourmet is spoken south of town was the news that veteran Seattle Times restaurant critic John Hinterberger last Thursday awarded three stars, "highly recommended," to Jubilante, 305 Burnett Ave. S. in Renton.
Renton now has a three-star restaurant that serves international cuisine: salmon-crab cakes, Asian-fried shrimp dumplings, Castilian ragout and grilled calamari.
Not only is the news worth spreading. But it has all the earmarks of a trend.
Mayor may not: Seattle Council President Sue Donaldson, acting mayor for three weeks while Mayor Paul Schell is vacationing, points out that acting mayors of Seattle have twice fired police chiefs.
In 1910, acting Mayor Max Wardell fired Mayor Hiram Gill's chief of police. In 1924, acting Mayor Bertha Landes did Wardell one better: She fired the chief and appointed herself.
Will history repeat itself? Donaldson said, "I reassured my colleagues. The fire chief and police chief's jobs are safe."
Tee for few: The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that, although he's the richest person in America, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates still has to wait in line to join the exclusive Augusta National Golf Club.
According to the WSJ report, Gates has dropped word he'd like to be considered for membership in the club that plays host to the Masters tournament each spring. Membership, however, is by invitation only, and the club won't comment on whether it might invite Gates to join.
Contacted during Friday's company meeting at the Kingdome, Microsoft spokesman John Pinette wouldn't comment on Gates' personal life. He did say, "I understand it's a wonderful place to golf. Any golfer would want to play there."
Dance ambassadors: The Pacific Northwest Ballet has been back some weeks from its appearance at the Edinburgh Festival. But news about the company's success keeps trickling in.
One article, clipped from Scotland's Daily Telegraph, dispels the myth that Seattle, identified as "home of grunge music, suicidal rock stars and Dr. Frasier Crane," is about as inviting "as a padded cell."
After an interview with PNB soloist Charles Newton, the Telegraph was able to report that Frasier is fabricated, even down to the set with the Space Needle moved downtown. What's more, the Cranes are uptight East Coast characters, not like laid-back Seattleites, who ski, hike and rock-climb.
Car talk: Bellevue resident Nancie Conlon has been beetling around town, literally, in a brand new Volkswagen Bug. Conlon's chariot has been painted white and decorated with racing stripes and the number 53. It looks like the character Herbie in "The Love Bug."
Conlon often receives a "thumbs up" from other drivers. The other day, a bus driver drove up, opened the passenger door and yelled, "Herbie lives!"
Jean Godden's column appears Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Her phone message number is 206-464-8300. Her e-mail address is: jgodden@seattletimes.com