Some Strange Things About School Of Fish
Last Monday, Phish came to town, whipping it out at the HUB Ballroom. Tonight, School of Fish, probably best known for "Three Strange Days," the hit single off its 1991 debut album, does it at Under the Rail with localites Best Kissers in the World at 9 p.m. Everybody pucker up.
School Fisher Josh Clayton-Felt was supposed to call Tuesday at 5 p.m. from New York to discuss the upcoming gig, but the call didn't come until 6 p.m.
"Just what time zone are you in Josh?"
"I'm in my own. Actually, I'm in yours. I'm already in Seattle. I didn't feel like driving cross country in a van with the rest of the band, I really need some rest. So I bought a ticket and flew out. But I screwed up and reset my watch wrong. Sorry."
The L.A.-based foursome, which includes co-writer and guitarist (with Josh) Michael Ward, drummer Chad Fischer and bassist Chris MacDonald, has a new album, "Human Cannonball," and it's a beaut. A terrific collection of edgy, melodic silly putty pop with rows and rows of nasty little incisors. If this can be compared to a particular School of Fish, electric piranha comes to mind.
Ironically, a lot of stations are still playing "Three Strange Days" instead of the new stuff.
"We were a while coming back with a new album," said Clayton-Felt. "For some stations, it's just safer to go with what they know. I think they'll come around." They should. "Human Cannonball" is one of the best sides to slide down the pike this year.
ALSO AT THE UNDER, countrymetalrapper Travis Shredd and The Good Ol' Homeboys play tomorrow at 9 p.m. Tickets are $7, or $6 with a can of food for Northwest Harvest. It's possible that Travis might once have been associated with Mondo Vita. But that was another time, another place.
THE PICKETTS return to the Backstage tonight. It's their last gig before heading out on a West Coast tour to open for the likes of the Beat Farmers. Go see them because when they come back they'll likely be road weary and jaded, even if they are still cute as the buttons on Michael Jackson's coat and a wonderful band to behold.
Opening for the Picketts will be Kitchen Radio and The Year of the Dog. Things get under way at 9:30.
AND J.J. CALE, the singer-songwriter so laid-back that his original version of "Cocaine" was a waltz, plays Wednesday and Thursday at the stage o' Back. He's an American original and as fine a writer, singer and guitarist as you'll ever want to hear. His vocalizing is dead on - described by C. Payne as "tarnished silver." With Jean Abada at 8:30 both nights.
SUB POP RECORDS celebrated its fifth anniversary at The Crocodile Cafe Monday night. Security was tight, but the press and most of the label's acts and their management got in anyway. Much thanks to photog Alison S. Braun for describing the reading material in the outer office of Hustler magazine's world headquarters.
JIM ROSE is in town resting between European and Australian Freak Show tours. The Aussie tabloids printed headlines like "Sick Circus Wants Your Vomit." Rose also reports that in England, Parliament is trying to pass legislation to outlaw "trucker's butt" ("plumber's crack") on roadside workers. Seems it's offending the sensibilities of British motorists. Get on the right side of the road folks.
MUSIC BIZ MUSICAL CHAIRS: Barbara Dollarhide, voted by The Seattle Times this year as Most Likely To Succeed, or something like that, is leaving CZ Records. The parting is sad, but amicable. She's going into band management. The first two acts under her roof: Treepeople and 7 Year Bitch.
And Colourbox band booker Jennifer Jackson left the club over the weekend and went to the beach. She called to say she'd be back, but not at the Colourbox.
THE 1993 BIG GREEN BOOK, Buck Ormsby's Northwest Music Industry Directory & Guide, is finally out! Get yours now! See if your name is in it! Call 524-1020! Ask for Buck!